I enjoy coding and revealing the scientific meaning of data. My professional goal is to integrate biomedical and materials research with tech for smart healthcare products.

Below is a compilation of apps that I have developed to demonstrate my skills as front-end developer. In addition, I display here examples of plots for data visualization that were coded by me during my PhD.

Webstore-app picture

Webstore app

A webstore hosted in AWS Amplify and developed in ReactJS. AWS services used: S3 bucket, AppSync, Lambda functions, Cognito. Stripe is used to process the payment.

Weather-app picture

Weather app

A weather app which accesses to the weekly forecast of any city in the world using API. Built with HTML, CSS and ReactJS

Dictionary-app picture

Dictionary app

Built with HTML, CSS and ReactJS.

Heat map

Heat maps

Heat maps for the analysis of the density of data points in force-separation AFM measurements. Useful to present intermediate interactions between the probe and the substrate.

WEB development experience

  • Development of web apps using HTML, CSS and Javascript. I am particularly interested in development with ReactJS library, Node.js and Angular.
  • Cloud computing (AWS services that I have learned to implement): Amplify App, S3 bucket, Lambda, AppSync, DynamoDB, Cognito.
  • Experience in GraphQL for APIs
  • I participate in hackathons from time to time: devpost.com/elisammz